Welcome to 'Higher Learning' your gateway to a curated collection of informative guides exploring the fascinating world of cannabis use and culture. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned enthusiast, this section is designed to provide valuable insights, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of the diverse aspects of cannabis and it's role in Australia.

How to Dab? A Beginner's Guide to Dabbing

Dabbing has become increasingly popular in the world of cannabis consumption, offering a potent and flavourful experience for enthusiasts. If you're new to dabbing, it might seem a bit intimidating...

Properly cleaning your bong or dab rig with isopropyl alcohol

For enthusiasts who appreciate the smooth, clean hits that a borosilicate bong provides, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure a consistently enjoyable experience. Cleaning your bong with isopropyl alcohol is a...

Information & Guides

High Hits: The Benefits of Using a Bong
Bong Cannabis Health Usage

High Hits: The Benefits of Using a Bong

Ever wonder how your choice of smoking gear can totally change the game? While joints and pipes have their perks, let's talk about the OG...

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The Green Landscape: The State of Cannabis Law in Australia
Cannabis Health Informative Legal Medical Marijuana

The Green Landscape: The State of Cannabis Law in Australia

Hey folks! Let's dive into the Aussie scene and check out what's happening with cannabis laws down under. It's a wild ride, so buckle up...

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The Green Path: A Guide to Obtaining a Medical Cannabis Prescription in Australia
Cannabis Guide Health Medical Marijuana

The Green Path: A Guide to Obtaining a Medical Cannabis Prescription in Australia

Australia has witnessed a significant shift in its approach to medical cannabis in recent years, allowing individuals to explore alternative treatments for certain medical conditions....

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Navigating the Conversation: Discussing Medical Cannabis with Your Doctor
Guide Health Informative Medical Marijuana Usage

Navigating the Conversation: Discussing Medical Cannabis with Your Doctor

Ready to dive into a conversation with your doc about medical cannabis? It's a significant step toward exploring alternative treatments for your health, and we've...

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Unveiling the Green Positivity: Embracing the Lighter Side of Cannabis
Cannabis Health Informative Medical Marijuana Usage

Unveiling the Green Positivity: Embracing the Lighter Side of Cannabis

Taking a closer look at some of the overlooked sides of cannabis—the positive vibes it brings to the table. While using cannabis responsibly is a must,...

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Clearing the Haze: How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System?
Cannabis Health Informative Legal Usage

Clearing the Haze: How Long Does Cannabis Stay in Your System?

Whether you're a seasoned cannabis pro or just found out about that upcoming drug test, we've got the lowdown on the burning question: How long...

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A Sobering Comparison: Cannabis and Alcohol – Exploring the Highs and Lows
Cannabis Comparison Health Informative Usage

A Sobering Comparison: Cannabis and Alcohol – Exploring the Highs and Lows

Alright, let's chat about the recreational scene, where cannabis and alcohol take centre stage. They're like the dynamic duo, each bringing their own vibe to the...

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Burn Healthier: Why choosing hemp wick is a better option
Health Informative Usage

Burn Healthier: Why choosing hemp wick is a better option

Organic hemp wick. Forget about traditional lighters and matches; we're diving into why using this natural marvel can kick your smoking sessions up a notch. Chemical-Free...

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